Golf etiquette

Are you new to the world of golf and want to learn more about the etiquette of the game? We’ve got you covered! At Harburn Golf Club, we understand that golf etiquette is essential for an enjoyable experience on the course for you and other players. This simple beginner’s guide will provide you with some tips to help you feel a bit more confident and prepared.

Wear appropriate clothing

The Pro-shop price match and have a great selection.  Golf clothing is changing but please wear appropriate golf shoes, trousers/shorts and a golf top, be comfortable but ensure your clothing is appropriate. Jeans aren’t made for sport!

Be Punctual and Prepared

Arrive in plenty of time before your tee time to check-in, warm up, and get ready for your round. Don’t be the guy running up the car park.  This shows respect for other players’ time and ensures a smooth start for  everyones round.

Practice Proper Tee Box Etiquette

When it’s your turn to tee off, make sure you’re ready to hit your shot without delay. After teeing off, step aside and let others take their turn. Also, be sure to fill in any divots and pick up your tees

Maintain the Pace of Play

Keep a steady pace during your round, aiming to keep up with the group in front. If you fall behind, pick up the pace or allow faster groups to play through. Play ‘ready golf’ when appropriate by hitting when you’re ready, even if you’re not farthest from the hole.

Be Respectful of Other Players

Remain quiet while others are hitting their shots and avoid standing too close or in their line of sight. Watch where your ball goes and also where your playing partners ball goes.  Be considerate to other players on the course & avoid talking loudly when near other golfers.

Other players don’t really care what level you play at as long as you are respectful and play the game in a positive manner.

Care for the Course

Avoid damaging the course. Replace divots, repair pitch marks on the green, and rake bunkers after hitting your shot. Leave the course in the same condition you’d like to find it.  Cigarette ends should be disposed of in a bin, not on the course.

Understand the Basic Rules of the Game

Learn the basic rules of golf and how to keep score correctly. This will make your experience more enjoyable and help you avoid any misunderstandings during your round.  Nobody expects you to know all the rules (not sure anyone knows all of them)

Proper Buggy & Trolley Usage

When driving a buggy, stick to paths when available, follow the signs and avoid areas like greens, tee boxes, and bunkers. Park buggies & trolleys away from these areas to prevent damage and so the players behind can play their shot.  Buggies are primarily for mobility issues, please avoid trying to break speed golf records when using them.

Shout Fore

If your shot looks like it may be heading towards other golfers, shout “Fore” loudly to warn them.

Green Etiquette

Don’t walk on another player’s putting line, give them space and stay out of their vision when they are putting.

Lost Ball

You have 3 minutes to look for a lost ball, as a beginner, it may be worth having a spare one in your pocket when you are teeing off in case you go off line, out of bounds or deep in the trees.  Help your playing partners have a look for theirs too. Take advantage of the red stakes where appropriate.

End Your Round Graciously

As you complete your round, shake hands with your fellow players and thank them for the game. Put your score into the computer in the back lounge or on your phone promptly.


Handicaps can be obtained from any of the tees (red, yellow or white) and can be done over 9 or 18 holes as agreed in advance.


By following these simple golf etiquette tips, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident on the course and will be a pleasure to play with.  Thanks for choosing to play at Harburn Golf Club, we look forward to seeing you on the course.


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